From new Camelbaks to used hiking boots, we have the gear to make sure your adventure is as comfortable as possible. During the summer season, we have a section dedicated to hiking shoes which are all second hand. We do get new pairs on consignment every now and then, so you never know when you might stumble on your next great bargain.

All Sports carries many of the essentials such as extra laces, repair tape, and the ever classic Nalgene waterbottle. Before heading online, be sure to check your local shop for great prices on name brand items.

A row of skis and snowboards are lined up on display in a store.


Backpacking can be expensive, so people are always looking for a good deal. All sports is a great place to start because we carry used backpacking bags during the summer and winter. We always carry new, closed-cell sleeping pads, and we usually have used options to choose from as well. Our sleeping bags are second-hand, and a good deal of our clothing is second hand as well.

All Sports carries new MSR stoves, fuel bottles, and isobutane canisters year round. Tents are sold on consignment, but we do have the option to order new. Quality sleeping gear will turn that once dreaded trip into a very enjoyable experience.

A row of skis and snowboards are lined up on display in a store.


Dry bags and NRS straps are the only rafting products we sell new. Fortunately, people are constantly bringing in gear which means we may have what you are looking for. In the past, we have sold a variety of second hand kayaks, canoes, paddles, and drysuits.

A row of skis and snowboards are lined up on display in a store.